I know I am a bit behind on Jackson's 1 year checkup but here are his stats and what he's been up to:
Height: 32 1/2 in (>97% off the charts)
Weight: 21lbs 12oz (36%)
Head Circumference: 47 1/4 (76%)
*You wear 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers
*You eat table food and drink cow's milk from a sippy cup and 1 bottle before bed.
*You are still a jabber box and say things like "this" and "that".
* You sign, all-done, more and eat.
*You LOVE LOVE music and not cheesy"baby" stuff, but classic rock/hip-hop/country etc. (I think you are that way b/c all the dancing and singing I did when I was pregnant with you) and the theme song to Jeopardy (seriously you gave me the more sign over and over one day so I kept rewinding the song and let you dance to it.)
*You aren't walking yet, but you pull up and walk around everything and even stand alone for periods of time....any day now.
*You blow kisses, give hugs, brush your hair and pretend to yawn.
*This by far has been my favorite stage with you.....you rock Jackson!!
Pictures below are from his 1-year shoot.