Thursday, March 4, 2010

Never a dull moment.....

So, you know when you have a situation where all you can do is laugh.....
well this would be one of those times.
That's right,
this is what I walked into find after Jackson's afternoon nap.............

Oh not so bad.....cute actually

Oh.....s#! have got to be kidding me!!

That's right you know exactly what the "wet" spots are.

How could you be mad at that little butt, Oh I mean face!!
Thank you Jackson for keeping my day interesting.


  1. hahaha!!! what a the demply bootie!! lol

  2. I love this! These are the memories you'll keep forever, I'm sure!

  3. that's hilarious! boy, he's a cutie!!

  4. Hilarious! Can't believe he managed to get the diaper off. Too bad you had to clean up the bedding. Look on the bright side, at least his "aim" was contained to the crib!

  5. So funny...I walked in to the SAME scene the other day..tip from the daycare: put the diaper on backwards! Who knew??
