Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Many Faces of Jackson Rew

What you talkin' bout Mama?

Excuse me, I have a question.

So bored with this.....

Cover for: GQ Baby

Sweet sleeping baby

Isn't It Crazy?

Can you believe how much Jackson has changed in such a short time?
5 Days old

3 Weeks old
(newborn size outfit that was just about too small)

5 Weeks old today!
(0-3 month size outfit that he's starting to fill out)

Monday, February 23, 2009

"For it's A-A-R-K-A-N-S-A-S- for ......"

This happens to be the only pacifier Jackson will take(gift from Rachel). I thought all the Hog fans would appreciate this. But in his defense, he doesn't have and OSU pacifier, how that happened, I'm not sure. He will be getting one soon!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Jackson has had quite a few visitors over the past week. I try to get a picture of everyone who comes to visit him. We love visitors! Mimza (my mom) will be in for the day on Friday and Grandma and Grandad (Daniel's parents) will be here Sunday!

(One of the gifts from Emily A. & Matt)

Mollie came to see us and brought dinner!

Thank you Mollie!!

Emilee came to visit and brought lunch,

again, thank you Emilee!!

Emily A. and Matt (not pictured, obviously) came to visit and

brought fun presents!! Thank you guys!!

These are the "Air-Jordans" Emily and Matt

also brought, he also has a white pair!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

So this Valentine's Day I got to spend it with my two favorite boys. Let's just say that this time last year, Valentine's Day was a pretty rough day for us, but this year has truly been a blessing. It's amazing how things can turn around in a year.

You'll notice my "Valentine" sent me an adorable candy bouquet after keeping me up all night the night before!

I have noticed that Jackson changes so much daily and has some very expressive faces...wonder who he gets that from?? Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and got to spend it with someone you love...because I sure did!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby's Room, Bouncy Seat & Bath Time

For those of you who haven't seen Jackson's room, I added some pictures. I still need some fun art for the walls, but I thought I would go ahead and share the "work in progress." Also, Jackson got to take a bath in his bathtub for the first time the other day (we were waiting for his umbilical cord to fall off). Is it me or does he look huge in those pictures?! And finally, after Rachel and Leanne left this weekend, we decided to tryout the bouncy seat (they swear by it). He seems to like it and you will notice he has an audience.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More Pictures

Ok, so I have been harassed constantly about getting more pictures out there and so I have decided the easiest thing to do is start a blog. So this first post will be kind of random with just different pictures we have taken. Enjoy!

Jackson's Visitors

Jackson's best buddies, Holden and McCoy, came to visit this weekend. It was the first time all 3 boys were together and as you can tell from the pictures, getting them all to "pose" for the camera was quite difficult. We all had a great time and laughed a whole lot while trying to get a good picture!